Losing PAIN Not Weight Is The Goal




Tim (pictured) has trained with us for around 12 years – to maintain a healthy spine.

He was plagued by back pain from his job and understood that being stronger was likely to help.

Now most people with a “bad back” would AVOID lifting heavy stuff. But we can’t avoid bending, lifting and twisting forever – despite our best intentions.

So it makes sense that being stronger would help keep pain at bay and make life easier.

Tim recently lifted 80kg on a deadlift and broke his previous record of 70kg.

Fitness isn’t always about weight loss. It’s about staying pain free, being mentally calm, feeling accomplished, being a role model – and millions of other reasons.

When I started out in the fitness industry, it was ALL about weight loss, measurements, the scales, nutrition, calories in, calories out ……

It took me many years to realise that people train for a variety of reasons: stress management, heart health, strength, mental well-being, some ‘me’ time, social connection and so much more. Not just getting lighter!ย ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘Š

For example, Carol (also pictured), who joined us recently,ย trains to maintain a decent quality of life, like a lot of our members who don’t wish to see themselves go, the way their parents have! MORE powerful reasons. ๐Ÿ™‚



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