Who We LOVE Helping….

Posted On May 23, 2024


One of the things I’m most proud of at Hurley Fitness in Ely, is the fact we help a LOT of people who know NOTHING about strength training.

People who have focused on cardio: running or the treadmill, rower and cross trainer in the gym.

They’ve avoided the weights section because it’s full of mirrors and peacocking men.

We bring them into a welcoming, educational, fun, supportive environment where they learn about and feel the epic benefits of strength!

And even when they become ‘experts’ we continue to challenge and push them. It’s an endless game, thankfully. 👊

Sarah (pictured) had traditionally been a long distance runner. (great cardio. NO strength!). But she wanted to get stronger, tone up, make life easier, more pain free. She’d spent a FORTUNE on physios who had all advised her to start strength work.

We’ve opened a whole new world to her by introducing her to our lifting programs  – and she’s loving it!

Perhaps my point is: not all gyms are the intimidating, self-conscious, non-supportive environments you may think they are!

Written by Kevin Hurley

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