Imagine Fitness Being Great Fun!?

Posted On March 10, 2023

We had our Ely Spring Games 2023 last Saturday. Sounds a bit scary and competitive! But — it’s great fun!!

Four events, a mix of exercise and skill, followed by tea, coffee and cake. 🙂 An opportunity to meet people you wouldn’t normally meet and step outside the usual gym environment, which feels refreshing.

Believe it or not, this is an amazing way to help keep people motivated. By building relationships and having fun with each other.

You see, it’s so much easier to stay motivated and enjoy exercise when you’re with like minded people.

The soulless ‘walking on a treadmill’ days don’t last long. People usually migrate from the treadmill, to the steam room, to the sofa. (no wonder!).

But when exercise is dynamic, fun, challenging, helps you feel progress, you’re more likely to stick at it. đź‘Š

We like to keep people motivated by actually helping them to enjoy their health and fitness, rather than guilt-tripping them into it with the dreaded “where-are-you?” phone call! 🙂

Written by Kevin Hurley

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