My Guilt-Food Cycle (past)

Posted On March 31, 2023

A lesson I learned years ago…. From my holidays. 🤔
I would go back to Ireland, take time off from training, eat and drink to excess, let off some steam.
By the end of the week, I was feeling pretty grumpy to be honest. Annoyed at myself. I even felt guilty about food.
I couldn’t wait to get back to routine in Ely.
When I returned to normality, it only took me a couple of training sessions to get back to feeling pretty good again.
Then I became annoyed by myself AGAIN that I’d stressed over food and not exercising during my holiday. I should’ve just relaxed and enjoyed it!
So….. I don’t worry any more.
The point is: we tend to think one bad meal/day/week will scupper everything we’ve done.
And it’s easy to give up, thinking there’s no point starting again.
The reality is, it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. There are 52 weeks in the year. One bad night doesn’t spoil everything.
Don’t let your head ruin your results. (That’s what I remind myself).
Hope this helps đź‘Š

Written by Kevin Hurley

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