SHOCK: Cardio Ain’t Great For Weight Loss!

Posted On June 30, 2023

Ditch excessive cardio – Get strong.

This is the big takeaway from something we’ve been studying lately.

The idea of doing cardio for weight loss and the impact it has.

Losing muscle, becoming insulin resistant, just waiting for a “rebound”.
Instead, it was recommended:

(1) Strength training
(2) Fasting
(3) Breaking fasting with protein

This will, it said, give people the “results” most wanted – leaner, feeling better in clothes, stronger, fitter.
But….. The less considered impact: making life easier.

Getting out of chairs, up stairs, staying mobile and flexible, lifting stuff, not relying on others to do things for you.

We bet you’ve heard about people who have a “slow metabolism” but as we age, muscle declines.

Declining muscle means a slower metabolism, more weight/fat, less energy and the cycle begins.

Failing strength means the things you don’t even think about now become a major issue.

Start lifting weights!

Do you agree or disagree with this? Drop us a comment, we’d love to hear. 😊🙏

Written by Kevin Hurley

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